Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A day/week/month in the life

Since it's been over a week since I was in Paris, I'll just give the highlights: saw Mona Lisa, she says hi; Venus de Milo is still armless; Eiffel Tower at night is freaking amazing; it's also awesome during the day; Versailles is phenomenal; Notre Dame during mass is epic, and so is Sacré Coeur; Moulin Rouge is expensive, so I just got a postcard; and the top of the Arc de Triomphe is super cool!

All in all, my trip was amazing, and now I'm a bonafide expert on using the Metro. Hostels ar gross, though, but liveable. Sit-down toilets are amazing over unisex unrinals.

So, yes, Friday morning I was greeted with "Did you hear Michael Jackson died? So did Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon." That's a lot of death in one day. It was a very dark day for me, because I'm easily affected by stuff like that. To make it worse, the teachers were talking about it, too. So that entire day was really a blur, and I felt like I didn't learn anything. And my second French teacher I've had so far went over our homework in the last five minutes of class. Not the best idea, I think.

To make matters worse, we're getting two more teachers after that. Hooray for confusing education and different teaching methods! This is going to be an interesting month.

So, yes, that's life in Chambéry, so until I write again, au revoir!

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